to cut off parts of a picture or image
Crop marks
printed lines showing where to trim a printed sheet
Drop fold
Drop fold is a set of multiple pages that fold together as a booklet, and are then dropped into a machine that does a right angle fold, commonly for mailing.
metal fingers on a printing press that hold the paper as it passes through the press, the image is registered in relation to the gripper. Similar to sideguide
the arrangement of pages on a press sheet, or, the arrangement of fields on a document
putting an image on paper
adding copy to a previously printed page
small magnifying glass used to review a printed image, plate, and position film
Multi up
(see Step-and-repeat)
Offset Paper
term for uncoated paper
the amount of show-through on a printed sheet. The lesser the amount of show-through the thicker the paper, the more show-through the thinner the paper
pagination sheet
Page count
total number of pages in a book including blanks
Pantone Matching System
(PMS) Industry standard for ink mixing
perfect bind / perfect bound
Perf (Perforation)
a series of small cuts at regular intervals usually made to help a sheet tear apart evenly
Perfect bind
type of binding that uses glue on the spine of the sheets to adhere a cover to the sheets, like a phone book
see page 14, job F141491 for example
unit of measurement. One pica = 1/6 inch
Plate is a metal plate is imaged in a plate setter for each separation on an offset press job.
Plate gap
gripper space. The area where the grippers hold the sheet as it passes through the press
Pantone Matching System (see Pantone Matching System definition)
PMS 200
the mixed ink graphic standard for UW printing; also UW red
process color
the process of combining four basic colors to create a printed color picture or colors composed from the basic four colors
typically 44 hole (on 11" sheet of paper) on the binding-edge of a sheet of paper, created by punching the paper using a die that punches out the holes
rough layout of a printed piece showing position and finished size
the binding edge of a publication (i.e., book, magazine, etc.)
Stack by page or subset
to keep each piece separate or independent
Staple is a term for a staple added to a printed packet or book, commonly in the upper left corner or along the left side of a booklet.
the process of placing the same image on a single sheet or page of a document multiple times
Tape Bind
a type of binding that uses a strip of durable tape to hold a book together lines that indicate where to trim before a job goes on the collator or other binding equipment, by doing this it allows the operator to still see the trim marks for final trim
used to expand the dominant ink to be printed larger-than the less-dominant ink, used to help tight registration on offset printing