
Process color over Black: One side of the page prints 4 process colors and the other side prints Black




K, one of the four process colors used in the CMYK printing process, black in color. Also referred to as the Key color

Crop marks

printed lines showing where to trim a printed sheet


reoccurring unplanned spots that appear in the printed image from dust, lint, dried ink


Black - also referred to as the Key color (see Black definition)


an outline drawing (see also trim box defintion)


all the activities required to prepare a press for printing

Stack by page or subset

to keep each piece separate or independent


the material to be printed on

Trim marks

see crop marks


distinctive design created in paper at the time of manufacture that can be easily seen by holding the paper up to a light

Work and tumble

using the same plate and same guide, printing one side of a sheet, and flipping it from gripper to tail to print on the back of the sheet. Similar to perfecting but 2 passes

Work and turn

using the same plate and common guide, printing one side of a sheet, and flipping it from left to right to print on the back of the sheet