DoIT Departmental Support
Computers that are managed through DoIT’s Departmental Support service are automatically included in campus inventory. They are also managed to ensure machines are current with software and security updates and patches. The following locations and staff are covered under DoIT Departmental Support:
- Extension Building
- Upham Woods
- Area Extension Directors
- Regional educators
- 3500 University Staff
County Based Staff
Asset inventory and security upgrades/patches for staff located in a county Extension office are the responsibility of the county IT department and are not accounted for by Extension or UW-Madison asset inventory efforts. It is also the responsibility of the county IT service to provide proper end-point management and security of county-owned devices. County-managed computers must comply with UW-System Policy 1033, should there be a security incident.
Special Circumstance Endpoints
This group includes laptops that are not assigned to a specific individual, but are instead used for educational events. In these instances, Extension has configured the laptops with UW-Madison cybersecurity software Qualys and Advanced Malware Protection (AMP) which allows them to be included in the campus asset inventory. UW-Madison Cybersecurity also monitors these computers for any vulnerabilities and suspicious activity. Any incidents are reported to the Office of Digital Solutions (ODS). ODS then works with the laptop user to update or resolve the incident.
Incident Tracking
The Office of Digital Solutions maintains a spreadsheet of cybersecurity incidents to both track and record incident details as well as using DoIT’s ticket tracking system to share, escalate and track incidents between Extension and DoIT.
Data Storage
Extension follows UW-Madison and UW System policy for classifying and storing data. Please see UW-Madison - IT - Data Classification Policy for data classifications used below.
The Office of Digital Solutions makes the following recommendations for the use of UW-Madison cloud storage:
You may also review the research data storage finder tool for additional options.
Video Conferencing
ODS makes the following recommendations for the use of internet-based video conferencing:
Wherever possible, Extension will leverage UW-Madison's infrastructure to provide secure authentication and access to online applications that are provided at the divisional level by ODS. This currently includes:
Applications currently provided at the divisional level by ODS that leverage UW-Madison infrastructure include:
- WordPress
- (Planning and Recording portal, Staff Directory etc.)