The Division of Extension does not have signature authority to sign agreements and contracts with external organizations/parties. All contracts and agreements should be routed through the appropriate approval workflow from the the options on this article.
General Signatory Agreements (GSA)
The Division of Extension is not authorized to sign the following types of agreements: memorandum of understanding (MOU), memorandum of agreement (MOA), partnerships, internships, memberships, or any other agreements that formalize a relationship between Extension and an outside organization. Extension has a workflow for routing these agreements to UW-Madison Business Services for review and signature by the General Signatory Authority. Please budget 3-4 weeks turnaround time.
Contracts & Agreements - General Signatory Agreements (GSA) - Start Here
Event Contracts
Off-campus events, programs, or activities that require short-term rentals or space use agreements, zero-cost rentals or space use agreements, catering contracts, hotel contracts, speaker contracts, or entertainer contracts must be reviewed, approved, and signed by Purchasing Services at UW-Madison prior to the event taking place. There are two workflow below: one for zero-cost event contracts and one for event contracts using funds in UW-Madison accounts.
Contracts & Agreements - Event Contracts - Get an Event Contract Approved
Space Use Agreements (SUA)
The Division of Extension is not authorized to make agreements related to space use or rental. Agreements such as facility rental agreements, facility use agreements, inter-agency space use agreements, land rental agreements, and land use agreements will first be routed through Division of Extension for approval, then sent to Facilities Planning & Management for approval.
Requesting New or Different Office Space