1.9 Professional Development :: Resources to Support Faculty and Staff
Resources available through the division for supporting faculty and academic staff.

Faculty mentorship is primarily conducted through the academic department and interaction with faculty peers. Professional development support will continue through existing pathways, consistent with policies and availability of funding. Additional information and resources are available in this article. For faculty and staff in co-funded educator positions, the Division of Extension Dean’s Office will provide funding to support page charges and other fees for the publishing of peer-reviewed journal publications. A process will be established to ensure equal access to these resources.

Compiled by Secretary of the Faculty Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff Jake Smith, & Department of Extension Faculty Chair Ruth Schriefer 5/12/2022
Topic Faculty Academic Staff
Job Security Tenured faculty generally are employed until they choose to retire, resign, or are dismissed for cause. FPP Chapter 10 includes the process for faculty layoff or termination under a set of limited circumstances outlined therein.  Furthermore, there is not a guarantee that assigned work will continue in the same location. Funding and/or budget limitations (e.g., loss of county-based funding) can and do impact work assignments, programming, and/or location.   Faculty who choose to transfer to Professor of Practice – Non-credit within the Division of Extension will receive a 3-year rolling horizon. A rolling-horizon appointment is a form of fixed-term renewable appointment that is extended daily for the term specified in the letter of appointment or re-appointment, which in this case is three years. Note, a three-year rolling horizon does not guarantee assigned work will continue in the same program and/or location. Funding and/or budget limitations can and do impact work assignments, programming, and/or location. Finally, a three-year rolling horizon is not exempt from layoff or non-renewal pursuant to applicable Academic Staff Policies and Procedures. There are enhanced notice periods, however, for both layoff and non-renewal 
Reviews Department of Extension Faculty will continue to participate in Faculty Annual Reviews and Post-Tenure Reviews (every 5 years) which are conducted by peer faculty.  Current review documents (Appendix C – Post-Tenure Review & Appendix D – Faculty Annual Review) are in the DEF SharePoint site - https://uwprod.sharepoint.com/sites/EXT-DeptFaculty  

Professors of Practice – Non-credit will have their reviews conducted by Area Extension Directors or Institute Directors or Program Manages depending on the focus of their position.  Academic staff are reviewed based on the Performance Management & Development Program expectations - https://uwprod.sharepoint.com/sites/EXT-performance-management  

ASPP Ch. 10 Performance Reviews: https://policy.wisc.edu/library/UW-710 

Performance Management for Managers and Supervisors: https://policy.wisc.edu/library/UW-5018  

Governance Representation  Faculty are represented via Faculty Senate with one senator for every 10 faculty members. The Senate is reapportioned every 3 years. Faculty Senate alternates are also identified. https://secfac.wisc.edu/  

Academic staff are represented by the Academic Staff Assembly and the Division of Extension is organized into five “districts” based on position function.  Each district has one Assembly representative and an alternate.  https://acstaff.wisc.edu/governance/ (Information on governance) 

https://sharedgovdistricts.wisc.edu/ (To find district info) 

Discipline & Dismissal  Discipline and dismissal of faculty members is explained in Faculty Policies & Procedures (FPP) Chapter 9 - https://policy.wisc.edu/library/UW-809. For faculty, these matters are handled by the Provost Office.   Discipline and dismissal of academic staff is described in Academic Staff Policies & Procedures (ASPP) Chapter 6 - https://policy.wisc.edu/library/UW-706  
Promotion & Advancement 

Tenured faculty at the rank of associate professor may pursue promotion to the rank of professor using the review document (Appendix B – Promotion to Professor) in the DEF SharePoint site - https://uwprod.sharepoint.com/sites/EXT-DeptFaculty 

Faculty are also eligible for the state pay plan and other compensation increases. 

Academic staff are eligible for the state pay plan and other compensation increases. 

Distinguished status is also available for those academic staff who perform at a level of proficiency typically requiring extensive experience and advanced knowledge and skills. Their expertise is commonly recognized by peers and through a reputation that extends beyond their work unit, and they are expected to possess and demonstrate evidence of at least ten years of progressively more responsible experience in their field. 

Professional Development  The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education (VCRGE) provides research funding for faculty through annual cross-campus Fall Research Competition, as well as funding for travel for faculty to domestic and international meetings, named professorships, mid-career awards, and faculty fellowships.  More details available here - https://research.wisc.edu/funding/  Funding may also be available through Extension channels (county, AED, institute, etc.)  Academic Staff Professional Development Grants are awarded for professional development and/or training to improve the effectiveness of academic staff members in their current roles.  https://acstaff.wisc.edu/grants-awards/professional-development-grants/  There are also limited grants available for Executive Education.  More details available here - https://acstaff.wisc.edu/grants-awards/executive-education-grants/ Funding may also be available through Extension channels (county, AED, institute, etc.) 

Eligibility for the faculty sabbatical leave program can be found here: https://hr.wisc.edu/professional-development/funds/sabbatical/ 

The Division of Extension and Department of Extension Faculty have not offered a sabbatical program due to several factors, including the majority of Extension faculty are co-funded with contracts that run on a calendar (not academic) year and are located in a county office. 

As outlined, it would require the development of process and policy for the Division that would take into account the financial support for the program and standards to define how a leave would “enhance teaching, course and curriculum development, or conducting research or any other scholarly activities related to instructional programs within the field” as defined within the context of Extension work. Any proposals would then need to be approved at the Departmental Executive Committee, Dean’s review for budgetary resources availability, and evaluation by the Provost’s office.   

Academic staff are not eligible for sabbaticals.   
Principal Investigator Status  Faculty are automatically eligible to serve as PIs on sponsored projects - https://research.wisc.edu/compliance-policy/principal-investigator-status/   Academic staff can serve as a PI as determined by the division.  There is also the possibility of receiving permanent PI status - https://research.wisc.edu/compliance-policy/principal-investigator-status/. Additional information about grant support in Extension, including obtaining PI status can be found here https://kb.wisc.edu/images/group419/107134/V6.1FinalGrantProposalGuide10.28.20.pdf 
Representation (lobbyists)  PROFS represent UW-Madison faculty - https://profs.wisc.edu/   ASPRO represents academic staff throughout the UW System - https://www.aspro.net/  

Results: 1-4 of 4

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1Professional Development - Funds Available to Faculty & Staff1000622025-02-042214
2Funding to Support Travel for Faculty and Staff who are Presenting at Regional and National Professional Conferences1234972023-05-10748
3Resources to Support Faculty and Staff1234952023-01-31889
4Professional Development for Employees1153602021-12-23769

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