4.3 Communications & Stakeholder Engagement :: Communications & Stakeholder Engagement
The Office of Communications & Stakeholder Engagement offers the following communications resources.

Brand Guidelines

The Office of Communications & Stakeholder Engagement provides resources for branding including brand guidelines; ordering apparel, business cards, name badges, brochures, and more; ordering letterhead; templates and logos; and the correct way to refer to the Division of Extension.

Communications - Brand Guidelines

Media Guidelines

Working with news media is a critical component of how Extension communicates with communities about events and value. Here you can find resources for media engagement.

Communications - Media Guidelines - What to Know about Engaging the News Media

Meeting Best Practices

The Division of Extension recommends the following best practices for employees who schedule virtual meetings.

Communications - Virtual and Hybrid Meetings - Extension Best Practices

Photo Release Forms

Per Campus policy, written permission is required for photos or videos of children, patients in health care settings or laboratories, and research participants. Further, explicit permission is required for photos or videos of individuals being featured in advertisements or promotional materials in which a person’s name, image and/or likeness are being used.

Guidance for Video, Images, and Testimonials of Participants in Extension Activities

Video & Photography

Resources and links for photo libraries

Communications - Video & Photography - Photo Resources

Results: 1-18 of 18

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1Access Management - Adding and Removing Supervisors1317612025-01-08845
2Email Lists - Operations952642025-01-021544
3Guidance for Video, Images, and Testimonials of Participants in Extension Activities1275652024-12-201822
4Communications - Virtual and Hybrid Meetings - Extension Best Practices1069462024-12-201056
5Canva use in Extension1118272024-12-205060
6Departmental Logo Usage Requirements - Policy1338612024-12-061142
7How to Use Video Resources for Extension and UW-Madison977052024-11-11884
8Campaign URLs in Extension1150822024-07-291590
9Communications - Brand Guidelines - How to Order Apparel, Business Cards, Name Badges, Brochures & More968382024-06-187928
10Communications - Brand Guidelines1044162024-02-121228
11Communications & Stakeholder Engagement1086082024-02-061000
12Communications - Brand Guidelines - Extension Brand & Style Guide968902024-02-026064
13Testimonials on behalf of speakers, consultants, vendors1145332022-12-01480
14Compliance - Accessibility (ADA) - Video Captioning - Divisional Policy978722021-12-222311
15Communications - Brand Guidelines - Find Extension letterhead, templates, and logos972272021-12-221859
16Communications - Media Guidelines - What to Know about Engaging the News Media972262021-12-22958
17Communications - Video & Photography - Photo Resources968912021-12-221508
18Communications - Brand Guidelines - How to refer to the Division of Extension967462021-12-212069

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